Personal Injury

Protecting the Rights of Personal Injury Victims

Were you or a loved one seriously injured following a car accident caused by another driver’s reckless actions on the road? Did you experience life-threatening side effects after taking prescription medication? Was an elderly family member physically assaulted while in the care of a nursing facility? If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, then you may be the victim of personal injury and may be entitled to compensation.

Unlike accidents that can occur due to unforeseen circumstances or through no particular individual’s fault, a personal injury accident results from someone’s negligent or deliberately harmful actions – and therefore, an accident that could have been prevented.  

Personal injuries not only include physical harm to an individual’s body, they also involve the mental anguish emotional trauma that follows an act of negligence or recklessness. The pain that lingers after a personal injury can take several years – if ever – to dissipate. Many personal injury victims are left physically incapacitated and deeply traumatized, unable to continue working, perform daily tasks or maintain the same quality of life they previously enjoyed. In worst case scenarios, a personal injury may lead to the wrongful death of the victim.

Although nothing can ease the stress and life-changing ramifications of a personal injury, it is crucial for victims to understand that they have rights and may be eligible to recover damages for their injuries or the wrongful death of a loved one. Wales & Mikesch, PLLC is committed to protecting the rights of personal injury victims and strives to seek justice for the wrongs they have suffered at the hands of a negligent individual or company. Whether your injuries were caused by a drunk driver, faulty produce or medical practitioner’s error, we work diligently to recover the just compensation you deserve.

Are You the Victim of a Personal Injury?

A personal injury can result from numerous actions, but the one thing all personal injury cases have in common is that they could have been entirely prevented. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Wales & Mikesch, PLLC can help you file a claim and recuperate compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, post-traumatic stress, disability and the loss of a loved one. Turn to us for assistance if you or a family member has suffered any of the following:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Electrocution injuries
  • Medical malpractice
  • Limb loss
  • Paralysis
  • Neck or back injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Wrongful death

We Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

As a victim of a personal injury, you may be entitled to compensation for any physical harm, mental anguish or disability suffered as a direct result of an individual or company’s negligent actions. You may also be eligible for damages following the wrongful death of a loved one. Call us today at (479) 439-8088 or contact us online to arrange a consultation so we can discuss your rights and legal options.